Here are some of the dramas that Liz and her team have been performing recently. Please pray for these teams as they go out and seek to spread the gospel.
is a short drama performed to the song “Total
Eclipse of the Heart.” The Jesus character and
a young girl walk along as he explains to her
about reading her Bible and praying. One by
one, seven sins turn around and begin enticing
the girl away from Jesus. She gives into them
and is having fun with them until she realizes
that they have closed in on her and created a
barrier through which she can’t escape. After
she has given up on trying to escape and falls
hopelessly to the ground, Jesus comes and
breaks through and leads her away. The sins
join hands and stare down the crowd menacingly
as they walk off the stage area.
has three characters who are
hopeless and afflicted: a cripple, a drunk and
a weeping woman. One by one Jesus heals
them and takes on their afflictions (except
the drunk). By the time the drama gets to
the crucifixion scene, Jesus is limping and
weeping. The storyline comes from Isaiah
53 where the Scriptures say that He took on
our afflictions. The drama ends with Jesus
spreading His arms out in invitation to the
audience after His resurrection. It is
performed to the song “Angus Dei”
is a short drama performed to the song “Total
Eclipse of the Heart.” The Jesus character and
a young girl walk along as he explains to her
about reading her Bible and praying. One by
one, seven sins turn around and begin enticing
the girl away from Jesus. She gives into them
and is having fun with them until she realizes
that they have closed in on her and created a
barrier through which she can’t escape. After
she has given up on trying to escape and falls
hopelessly to the ground, Jesus comes and
breaks through and leads her away. The sins
join hands and stare down the crowd menacingly
as they walk off the stage area.
has three characters who are
hopeless and afflicted: a cripple, a drunk and
a weeping woman. One by one Jesus heals
them and takes on their afflictions (except
the drunk). By the time the drama gets to
the crucifixion scene, Jesus is limping and
weeping. The storyline comes from Isaiah
53 where the Scriptures say that He took on
our afflictions. The drama ends with Jesus
spreading His arms out in invitation to the
audience after His resurrection. It is
performed to the song “Angus Dei”
begins with Jesus creating the earth, sun and
stars, and finally creating man and giving him all of
creation to enjoy and rule over. This drama depicts man’s
disobedience with three sin characters whom God warned
man to avoid. After enticing man, each sin character
turns evil and the three sins form a wall separating man
from God. Jesus calls out to man and reaches out to him,
but the wall of separation remains no matter how hard
man tries to reach God. The sins begin abusing the man
until Jesus steps in and takes his place. Man watches on
in horror as Jesus is tempted, beaten and then crucified.
After Jesus rises from the dead, he offers his hand to man
who takes the outstretched hand. As Jesus lifts man up,
his black vest, representing sin comes off and the sin
characters fall to the ground in defeat.
stars, and finally creating man and giving him all of
creation to enjoy and rule over. This drama depicts man’s
disobedience with three sin characters whom God warned
man to avoid. After enticing man, each sin character
turns evil and the three sins form a wall separating man
from God. Jesus calls out to man and reaches out to him,
but the wall of separation remains no matter how hard
man tries to reach God. The sins begin abusing the man
until Jesus steps in and takes his place. Man watches on
in horror as Jesus is tempted, beaten and then crucified.
After Jesus rises from the dead, he offers his hand to man
who takes the outstretched hand. As Jesus lifts man up,
his black vest, representing sin comes off and the sin
characters fall to the ground in defeat.
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