Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 10th, 2009

 Thanks everyone for your prayers this past weekend as Team 1 went to Deuk.  It was an absolutely wonderful time and we saw God work in amazing ways!  He protected us even though we got a flat tire (about 5 minutes from Deuk!), and he encouraged us by reaffirming that we were supposed to be in Deuk despite the crazy timing with our trip right after retreat.  He gave us strength when we were weary and He blessed us in ways we would never have imagined!
We stayed with the Isaacs, a missionary family working in that area, and they were encouraged by our coming and the response that we got from the villagers.  We performed some puppet skits Saturday afternoon for the neighborhood children with the themes of God's love and Jesus as the Good Shepherd.  One of the kids even translated the introductions into the local language.
I    n the evening we went up to the bar in the village and performed our 
dramas.  It was dark, so we couldn't see all who were there, but someone estimated that about 200 people came to see us perform!  After performing the dramas amidst a crowd ranging from receptive to outright mocking, one of our drama members, Bas Walraven gave a gospel message.  The Holy Spirit spoke through him in an incredible way, even providing the words to deal with the mockers wisely and lovingly.  Afterwards, a few people came and asked questions in the microphone and the students took turns fielding the questions.  God filled them with such wisdom and the ability to communicate the answers to the crowd in French.  Then we moved to a time of intermingling with people who were interested in asking questions or receiving prayer in small groups or with individuals.  About 10 people prayed to receive Christ!  It was such an encouragement to us and even a surprise (even though it shouldn't be) to see such a response because Deuk is a center of witchcraft in the region.  It was amazing to see that God was working, even in this dark place, and choosing us to do so.  The whole night was incredibly powerful  We stayed there talking and praying with people until almost 11:00 pm!  The villagers were like dry ground thirstily drinking up any water they could get.  So many people asked for the copies of the gospel of John that we gave out, and one man even came all the way from a neighboring village the next morning because he heard that we were giving out a book about God.
    Sunday morning we went to a church in the next village and performed for them there.  It was a blessing to fellowship with and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.  They loved the dramas and cheered loudly at the end!  We left some Gospels of  John with their pastor since we needed to leave directly after the performance in order to reach Yaounde.
Please keep praying for the people of  Deuk!
* Good follow-up for those who saw the dramas and accepted Christ
* Those who still haven't made a decision to follow Christ that He would be working in their hearts and lives
* the Isaacs as they answer questions and serve in the village of Deuk
* The local churches to preach the truth and be able to support the local believers
* The Gospels of John to really be read by those who took them and used in a mighty way
* The Drama members to remember all that God taught them this past weekend and put it into practice in their daily lives
* Good health and rest for the drama members as they have hit the ground running PRAISE GOD FOR ALL THAT HE'S DONE!:
* Safety on the roads (both coming and going)
* His strength which keeps us going daily
* Being a faithful God who we can trust completely

Thanks for your prayers!  We couldn't have done this without you!

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